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Dressy Eyrie Dress

Dressy Eyrie Dress

This beautiful dress is perfect for the ball.

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Item Info

Item ID





1 lbs

Est. Val

2,912 NP





itemdb ID


Color Palette













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Price Overview

2,120 NP
Jun 28, 2024
2,120 NP

120 NP

June 28, 2024
2,000 NP

65 NP

April 12, 2024
1,935 NP

-15 NP

March 16, 2024
1,950 NPAugust 16, 2023
Last SW
10 hours ago
Last TP
5 months ago
Last Auction
2 days ago
Last Restock
22 hours ago

Official Lists

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Restock Info

clothes shop

Est. Profit

-3,471 NP

Restock Price

4,193 NP - 5,591 NP

Latest Restock

Jul 1, 2024, 9:12 PM

Item Preview

Item Preview

Occupies: Shirt/Dress

Powered by Dress To Impress

Trade History 5

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2k or any codestone. Check my other trades and shop. :D

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